Saturday, 4 June 2022



2001 special autonomy, TNI-POLRI, racism, and injustice have become killing machines and extermination of indigenous Papuans in the modern era. This is corroborated by the existence of evidence and indicators of the failure of the 2001 special autonomy as well as the negative impact on the future of the indigenous Papuan population. We must admit honestly as people of faith in God and should give appreciation for the efforts and positive steps and good intentions made by several presidents of the Republic of Indonesia to resolve the Papua issue for the sake of creating permanent peace in the Land of Papua.

          Although it did not run smoothly according to expectations. Efforts and positive steps were resisted or rejected by hard-line groups. I borrowed what Mr. SBY said, ''There are hardliners who do not agree with peaceful dialogue with the Papuan people .''Prof. Dr. B.J.Habibie by opening a peaceful dialogue room equivalent to a team of 100 representatives of the Papuan people on February 26, 1999 at the State Palace of the Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta. The peaceful dialogue took place at the palace. However, there was no follow-up to the dialogue. Most likely there are those who disagree and hinder this noble mission so that there is no continuation. Apart from the above efforts, Abdurrahaman Wahid (more popularly Gus Dur) changed the name of Irian Jaya to Papua and allowed to fly the Morning Star flag. Gus Dur also provided financial assistance 1 billion for the Great Deliberation (MUBES) of the Papuan people on 23-26 February 2000. This is an extraordinary action and is appreciated by the Papuan people.

        H.Dr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, the sixth President of the Republic of Indonesia, once held a meeting with the leadership of the Ppua Church, Mrs. Pdt. Jemima M. Krey, pastor of Dr. Benny Giay, and Rev. Dr. Marthen Luther Wanma on December 16, 2011 in Cikeas. A meeting that is part of the good efforts of the Indonesian government. At least, that's how the people of Papua felt at that time. SBY said to church leaders, "Brothers and sisters, we need 5-7 exclusive meetings and we will hold inclusive meetings." -brother from Papua. However, there is a group of hardliners who do not agree with me and they put pressure on me.” On that occasion, Rev. Dr. Benny Giay asked Pak SBY, ''Sir. SBY, how many presidents are there in Indonesia?'' Apart from the good efforts of the presidents above, we must also admit that Pak Jokowi has done good things. President Joko Widodo in his policy of releasing political prisoners, announced that foreign media were allowed to visit Papua, expressed his willingness to resolve the case of 4 students who were shot by the TNI on December 8, 2014, and was also willing to have a dialogue with the leadership of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP).   President Jokowi said there was no problem with his proposal to meet with pro-referendum figures in Papua. Pro-referendum figures such as the ULMWP. ''No problem, just meet anyway. I will meet with anyone if I really want to meet.'' (Bogor, 30/9/2019). Responding to the wise attitude of Ir. Joko Widodo, the president who opened the opportunity for a meeting with the chairman of the ULMWP, told CNN Indonesia Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko asked the chairman of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) Benny Wenda to meet himself first before speaking with president Joko Widodo (Jokowi). '' Yes, before meeting Pak Jokowi, meet me first. It's just nice to meet the president directly.'' Pak Moeldoko conveyed that question at the Jakarta Presidential Palace complex, Thursday (10/10). Moeldoko's question can be read as described in the following statement by SBY. ''I as president have a wish good for the resolution of the Papuan problem by means of a peaceful dialogue with the Papuan brothers.


         However, there is a group of hardliners who disagree with me by pressuring me.''  Of course this requires solid evidence. However, this conjecture can be felt clearly when viewed in the context of the time. Seeing the situation above, Pastor Dr. Benny Giay to President SBY on December 16, 2011 is still relevant. ''How many presidents are there now in Indonesia apart from the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Joko Widodo? When was Mr. Moeldoko elected as president of the Republic of Indonesia by all the people of Indonesia?' The question was a form of astonishment at Mr. Moeldoko's attitude. Prof. Dr. B. J Habibie, H. Dr. Susilo Bambang Yudoyhono, Abdurhman Wahid (Gus Dur), and Ir.Joko Widodo have stated their policies and good intentions to resolve the root causes of Papua's problems.

        Their good intentions stem from the serious problems faced by the Indonesian people, namely the problem of human rights violations committed by the state which have chronic (chronic) and include the failure of Special Autonomy. How long will this last? Or how many presidents will this be resolved. Hopefully it's not like a humpback longing for the moon.

Friday, 3 June 2022

The history of opm

The history of opm 



The name Free Papua Organization or OPM is the name given by the government of the Republic of Indonesia to every organization or faction both in Irian Jaya and abroad led by pro-West Papuan Irian Jaya sons with the aim of separating or liberating Irian Jaya (West Papua). ) separated from the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. The name OPM was first introduced in Manokwari in 1964, when the security forces arrested the leader of the 'Organization and Struggle Towards West Papuan Independence' (OPMKPB), Terrianus Aronggear (SE) and his friends.
              The name also became increasingly popular when the armed rebellion led by Permenas Ferry Awom broke out in 1965 in Manokwari, as well as various rebellions or other military actions in various areas in Irian Jaya. In the process of examination by the military-police and prosecutors, the rebel leaders accepted the name OPM given by the examiner (Government of Indonesia) because according to them the name was short, and easy to remember and popularize when compared to the name of the organization they belonged to (Terrianus and his colleagues). friends shape) and give it long and hard to remember. Needs more in-depth research is the date of formation of the Free West Papua Organization (OPM). The date of the founding of the OPM which is well known is on July 26, 1965, while the author received new data about the process of the formation of the OPM, he conveyed to the author that the OPM was founded on December 25, 1964.
                On December 25, 1964, OPM was founded at the house of the Arfak Tribal Chief, Major Titular Lodewijk Mandacan and his younger brother Captain Titular Barens Mandacan in Fanindi, Manokwari. At that time the OPM had two wings, namely the military wing and the political wing. The military wing is led by Titular Lodewijk and the political wing is led by Terianus(Terry) Aronggear. So in the past, the OPM as the parent organization gave birth to the TPN-PB, TRWP, TPN, and TNP, which were the military wing of the West Papuan nation that used weapons to fight the Indonesian colonial nation. Meanwhile, the ULMWP is a political forum that struggles with lobbying and diplomacy without using weapons or a violent approach. The ULMWP was founded in Vanuatu, on December 7, 2014 which unites three main streams or West Papuan independence movements, namely the Federal Republic of West Papua (NRFPB), the West Papua National Liberation Coalition (WPNCL), and the West Papua National Parliament (NPWP).
            OPM is placed like a cruel organization and synonymous with violence, the designation is usually by TNI-POLRI officers or BIN (State Intelligence Agency). For reasons of political interest, even though OPM is a movement organization towards Free West Papua by military and diplomatic routes.

Pandangan politik dan ekonomi Papua

Kekuatan terbesar dalam perjuangan ada pada rakyat. Saya rasa perjuangan secara diplomasi sangat sulit karena ini bukan di era 60an,tapi sec...